- How BC Works workshop for federal staff in the BC region (2009)
- Development Permit Workshops & Report for Lake of Bays Township (2008)
- International Watershed Initiatives Workshop for the International Joint Commission, Vancouver (2008)
- Policy workshops for Regional Councils in British Columbia & Alberta (2004-2005)
- Workshop on Regulation of Business for Deputy Heads of Russian Departments (2004)
- VSI: Making Policy Workshops for Voluntary Sector Executives (2002)
- Development of knowledge and ideas for a new competition policy framework and institutions for the Russian Federation (2005) CIDA-GAEP program of Universalia Inc.
- R&D and Innovation Capacity for SMEs & Polytechnic Colleges (2004-05)
- Canadian Objectives & Design for Peace-Keeping Operations in Haiti (2004)
- Design of a new Intelligence Unit for the Competition Bureau (2002-03)
- Decision-Making for National Security (2003-2004) with Lt. Colonel David Last, RMC.
- CO2 Capture and Storage Strategy for NRCan (2004)
- Options for a Virtual Regulatory Foresight Bureau – VRFB (2004)
- OTF-NRC Science and Technology Foresight Pilot Project (2002-03)
- Canadian Photonics Consortium Futures Project (2001)
- Energy Technology Futures (1998-2001)
- Evaluation of Legacy and Official Supplier programs for G-8 Summit (2002)
- CIDA: Design of Space Strategy for International Development Information Centre (2001)
- Access to Policy Data Study for Policy Research Initiative (2000)
- Business model for a new Nortel Hosted Applications enterprise (2000)
- Business & organization models for the product integration unit of Alcatel (2001-2002)
- Design and Delivery of "How Government Works – component of Public Service Orientation program for Canada School of Public Service" (2006)
- Support for development of AFN Housing Policy and Institutions (2007-2009)
- Development of Policy Guidelines for Formation of New Bands: DIAND (2001)
- Development of proposed memorandum of understanding from the Metis nation to the federal government (1999)
- Workshops on 'Making Policy' (2001-2002)
- Implementation of the Manitoba Northern Flood Agreement (NFA) (1985)
- Band Planning Manual for FSI (1980-82)
- Support for Big Trout Lake socio-economic projects (1977-80)
- First Nations Governance and Socio-Economic Projects (1977-88)
- DFAIT Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities Retreat (1995)
- Facilitating the development of the 'Canada Position' for FPRO/PCO (1990-91)
- NABST Proposal for a Human Resource Strategy (1989)
- Senior Vice President for TV of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (1988-89)
- Policy Initiatives for the Department of Communications (1980-1988)
- Environmental ethics for professions (1986)
- Program Overview for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (1985-87)
- National Economic Development Framework for MSED (1980)
- Consultant to the Priorities & Planning Committee of PCO (1971-75)
- Executive Director of Federal Urban Assistance Task Force (1970-71)