Projects for Aboriginal Governance and Development
Support for development of AFN Housing Policy and Institutions 2007-2009
Glen assisted the housing branch of the Association of First Nations develop a national strategy for bottom-up planning, responsibilities and financing for on-reserve housing.
Workshops on 'Making Policy' 2001-2002
These workshops included a presentation of the federal policy process and facilitated development of strategies for leading and contributing to policy development.
• Briefing for First Nations groups involved in Caledonia land dispute
• Aboriginal Women's Association, Ottawa, 2001
• Grand Council Treaty Three, Winnipeg, 2002
• Alberta regional INAC and aboriginal organizations
Development of Policy Guidelines for Formation of New Bands: DIAND 2001
This two-day workshop involved fifteen departmental officials from across Canada meeting in a lodge near Calgary. The workshop included a review of the current status, environment, impacts and 'drivers' of this policy, and the development of a clearer policy framework within existing legislative boundaries.
Development of proposed memorandum of understanding from the Metis nation to the federal government 1999
Following the historic Pawley decision of the Ontario Supreme Court Glen worked with the Metis national council to conceive and produce a nation-to nation MOU outlining the scope and nature of the Metis nation and its governance, economic and social development, land, and other rights.
Implementation of the Manitoba Northern Flood Agreement (NFA) 1985
The project was aimed at breaking the implementation 'log jam' between the four parties to the NFA - Manitoba, Canada, Manitoba Hydro, and the five flooded aboriginal communities. We met with their representatives in Winnipeg twice a month for six months and achieved moderate progress against a generally distrustful environment through strategic facilitation, agenda management, development of substantial multi-partite documents from scattered meeting results, and meeting each party before each workshop to draw out their concerns and ideas for progress.
Band Planning Manual for FSI 1980-82
This project was undertaken for the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians with support from DIAND. The knowledge was gained through approximately 12 facilitated workshops in all districts of the province with community leaders that gathered and synthesized their practical experience and advice. Early drafts of the manual were improved in content and readability through similar follow-up facilitated workshops. The 120 page Band Planning Manual and accompanying set of posters summarizing a seven stage planning cycle were distributed to all Bands in Saskatchewan.
Support for Big Trout Lake socio-economic projects 1977-80
Glen and his partner Lynne Tyler assisted the Big Trout Lake community with most of its economic and social development projects from 1980 to 1985. These projects were based on facilitating and developing options, plans and decisions involving all community members and the Band Council. The largest of these projects was for a new District and Band Administration Office building that determined the location, specifications, plans, and construction technologies maximizing the use local materials, suppliers, and skills.
First Nations Governance and Socio-Economic Projects 1977-88
During this period Glen Milne and his partner Lynne Tyler did about 20 projects for First Nations and INAC involving consultations, strategies, presentations and workshops with 35 bands from Vancouver Island to Cape Breton Island. A sample list of projects follows.
• Devolution Policy for transfer of governance to First Nations institutions
• Facilitation of terms of reference between DIAND and First Nations national and regional organizations for major grants and contributions agreements re housing, health services, and national and regional economic sector organizations such as fishing, lumber, hunting.
• Development of appropriate technologies and plans for native housing.
• Facilitating the development of video messages between a small community in Manitoba (Dakota Teepee) and DIAND executive re proposed changes in the Indian Act.
• Economic Training Manual for First Nations Communities
• Socio-economic project proposals to TBS for eight First Nation communities.