How BC Works workshop for federal staff in the BC region (2009)
This workshop was developed by Glen in partnership with the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria, BC and Ascent Communications of Victoria. It enabled 25 federal public servants from a range of federal regional offices in BC to strengthen their understanding of the policy making structures and processes of the British Columbia government, and improve their capacity to manage policy relations with the province. Presentations and chart materials were developed and given on the organization of the BC government and its policy process, federal provincial relations and diplomacy, a time line of the development of aboriginal, colonial and provincial governance since 1700, the annual planning and decision-making cycle, and methods & etiquette for improving fed/prov engagement.
Development Permit Workshops & Report for Lake of Bays Township (2008)
Two half-day workshops were held with the initial purpose of reviewing graphic concepts for charts that would enable better understanding and execution of the Development Permit process that applies to waterfront lands. Participants included a total of 20 professional and applicant stakeholders, and LOB planning staff. Three chart concepts developed by Glen were presented to the workshops at the outset. Instead of focussing on the charts the participants chose to identify issues and suggestions re the Development Permit content, public understanding and orientation mechanisms, application guidelines, and township council and staff roles and resources. The report provided staff with key evidence for improvements all those areas.
International Watershed Initiatives Workshop for the International Joint Commission, Vancouver (2008)
This two day workshop brought together thirty American and Canadian members of the IJC and IWI volunteer Boards across the continent to share and develop their experience, objectives, relationships, methods, resource planning, and future possibilities. We assisted in planning the workshop, facilitated the event, and prepared the workshop report. Participants indicated that they were very appreciative of the opportunity to contribute, the workshop process, its results and report.
Policy workshops for Regional Councils in British Columbia & Alberta (2004-2005)
These workshops for federal staff included a full day briefing on the central policy system in the current minority government environment, and two days of facilitated session to develop an innovative strategy for 'region-based development of a national federal policy initiative'.
Workshop on Regulation of Business for Deputy Heads of Russian Departments (2004)
This workshop was commissioned by the Universalia Management Group, Ottawa as part of a contract with CIDA. It included the presentation of a Canadian perspective of: the purpose of regulation; the range of informal and formal regulation and mechanisms; the public goods and values at stake; and, the issues in regulation that Canada has developed. The dozen participants then joined in a facilitated clarification and discussion of the presentation and related questions from their Russian experience and challenges.
VSI: Making Policy Workshops for Voluntary Sector Executives (2002)
This project was part of the Voluntary Sector Initiative. A dozen one-day workshops were given by Glen across Canada. The workshops consisted of a presentation of the structure, roles and dynamics of the federal policy marketplace based on the 'Making Policy' book, and the facilitation of participants' ideas and tools for how the voluntary sector could better contribute to policy. The project concluded with the production of Glen's report 'Policy Grass Roots'.