Development of knowledge and ideas for a new competition policy framework and institutions for the Russian Federation (2005) CIDA-GAEP program of Universalia Inc.
This project was commissioned and supported by the Universalia Management Group, Ottawa, as part of a contract with CIDA. 13 Russian officials were the clients for a two week 'travelling workshop' designed and facilitated by Glen. It included: consideration of a framework for economic markets; and twelve half-day briefings by: federal and provincial government agencies; Canadian advocacy, judicial and regulatory bodies and, major energy corporations and other natural monopolies. The project concluded with the facilitated development by the participants of a report for use in Russia on "Lessons Learned in Canada and Ideas for Russia."
R&D and Innovation Capacity for SMEs & Polytechnic Colleges (2004-05)
This project developed a draft strategic plan for developing new capacities for R&D and innovation by partnerships between SMEs, polytechnic colleges, faculty and polytechnic students. Glen provided the project design, facilitation services, system model, and writing of the first draft strategy while working within a consulting team directed by Coalesce Inc. Consultants, Toronto.
Canadian Objectives & Design for Peace-Keeping Operations in Haiti (2004)
This directed research paper was commissioned by the Center for Western Hemispheric Security, a part of the United States Defence University. The paper included an analysis of Canada’s political, security, and other international objectives for its mission in Haiti, an overview of the design and central decision-making process for the mission, and a proposed strategic framework for more effective interventions in similar circumstances. (To be published by USDU in 2005 along with similar papers from other Western hemisphere countries involved in Haiti PKO)
Design of a new Intelligence Unit for the Competition Bureau (2002-03)
This project included a series of workshops with Unit staff, clients and Bureau staff with linked responsibilities, as well as a synthesis report and recommendations. (Bureau staff periodically also ask for advice on the impacts of new media on markets & competition)
Decision-Making for National Security (2003-2004) with Lt. Colonel David Last, RMC.
This study and published paper identified the departments, agencies, and officials involved in federal government responses to national security crises and strategic threats, and mapped the information flows and processes that result in decisions to deploy special forces from DND and other national assets for defence. A central product of the study was the identification of a concentric network of international and national mechanisms centred around the Prime Minister that can provide alternative resources and routes for sensing threats, information gathering, analysis, briefing, and decision-making.(to be published by McGill University Press in 2005)
CO2 Capture and Storage Strategy for NRCan (2004)
This study for the Oil Directorate of NRCan developed a strategic plan for NRCan’s CO2 capture and storage programs out to 2010. The strategy included: an environmental scan of emerging domestic and international technologies, demand, supply, industry and policy pressures; a long term plan for Co2-based enhanced oil/gas recovery; federal-western provincial cooperation and collaboration; and options for decision-making on the scope and nature of future NRCan activities in the area.
Options for a Virtual Regulatory Foresight Bureau – VRFB (2004)
This study undertaken for the Office of Biotechnology and Science of Health Canada found that foresight studies on the nature of biotechnology science and products and the issues they raise have not been paralleled by equivalent foresight work on the nature of the regulatory regimes to manage them. Without foresight studies (and the strategic planning and regulatory innovation they encourage) our regulatory systems will evolve reactively and incrementally at best and are at high risk of being over-run by new medical technologies. The study included options and recommendations for the organization, business line, resources, foresight scope and methodology, and information management for an office of regulatory foresight in the area of bio and other medical technologies.
OTF-NRC Science and Technology Foresight Pilot Project (2002-03)
This project was undertaken by the Office of Technology Futures – NRC under the leadership of Jack Smith with the participation of approximately twelve federal departments and agencies. The scope of the study included the development of foresight scenarios in biotech, nanotech, information technology, and convergent technologies circa 2030-2050, the identification of key 'robust' technologies found across scenarios, and the development of technology pathways from the present out to each future scenario. Glen’s contributions included: design proposals for the overall project process, team and products; facilitation of project team sessions, ten workshops and a concluding conference of over 100 participants; briefing of small group facilitators; scenario design; and, design and production of workshop template charts.
Canadian Photonics Consortium Futures Project (2001)
This project produced scenarios for the development and application of photonic technologies and their potential application circa 2030. It included six workshops across Canada and six workshops held in Ottawa. Glen’s contributions included design of the project process, facilitation of all workshops and major project team meetings, and first drafts of the scenarios.
Energy Technology Futures (1998-2001)
This project was the undertaken by the Natural Resources Canada under the leadership of Kevin Cliffe. The project engaged over 400 leaders in industry academic and government R&D, S&T innovation and production, as well as investors, and science fiction writers. It produced four distinct internally consistent scenarios for Canada's energy system in a global context, identified robust technologies, and developed event and technology pathways from 2001 out to each scenario circa 2030-2050. The ETF products and report have served as a vital backdrop for energy technologies and energy policy planning in Canada and internationally since 2001. Glen's responsibilities included: design of the project’s goals, methodology, stakeholder roles, and deliverables; designing a comprehensive model for the overall energy system; design and facilitation of the templates and process for the expert workshops briefing of facilitators; technology scanning and analysis; and, drafting of overview scenarios and reports.
Evaluation of Legacy and Official Supplier programs for G-8 Summit (2002)
This project for DFAIT included workshops and interviews with the staff, suppliers and community leaders and an overview report and recommendations.
(By coincidence Glen facilitated the post-event consultation between Ottawa police and representatives of those protesting in Ottawa during the Summit.)
CIDA: Design of Space Strategy for International Development Information Centre (2001)
This project developed a vision and feasible strategy for a complete renovation of the IDIC physical environment to help achieve a new IDIC vision and mandate. Workshops were held with a mix of IDIC clients, staff, consultant librarians, and interior design experts from PWGSC and private companies to produce a range of scenarios, then a synthesis of those into a spatial and written strategy.
Access to Policy Data Study for Policy Research Initiative (2000)
Three workshops were held with policy data stakeholders from within government, academics and the research and business sectors. The report provided an environment scan, defined issues and opportunities and made recommendations on how to improve access to policy data in the face of factors such as 'privacy correctness' and 'turf' issues, and has been led to reforms in data access and the relationship among data providing and using institutions
Business model for a new Nortel Hosted Applications enterprise (2000)
Glen served as the facilitator and strategic planner working with teams of executives and external partners to develop a business model enabling simultaneous consideration of investors, partners, innovation, product development, marketing channels, advertising and management information systems.
Business & organization models for the product integration unit of Alcatel (2001-2002)
This team was responsible for integrating Alcatel components with other suppliers products in client applications, usually on a fire-fighting one-off basis by whoever happened to be available. Glen facilitated and developed the models for a team process that resulted in the clear articulation of their de-facto business line, recognition of their key role within and by Alcatel and its marketing program, and a design/consensus for their internal organization.