Making PolicyThe September 2013 Edition |
A Guide to the Federal Government's Policy Processby Glen Milne – 80 pages with charts and illustrations
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Prime Minister Harper's ChangesThis edition includes the changes announced to date by Prime Minister Harper for the structure of cabinet, the organization & powers of central agencies and departments, and the processes and documents for policy & major decisions. Why do most Canadians not know 'who, why and how’ policies & major decisions are made by the federal government?Textbooks focus on institutional structures and are quickly out of date. Media reports tend to incite rather than inform. Only a few people have been in the room when Cabinet and the Prime Minister decide on the issues and proposals - and they trade their knowledge carefully. The resulting lack of knowledge and misconceptions erode understanding, trust, and participation in our democratic institutions. Provides both a foundation & up-to-date briefingThe Guide provides a complete up-to-date briefing on the federal policy marketplace and its dynamics based on 30 years of policy work at all levels of government, from working for a Prime Minister to remote communities, and constant research on recent changes. It has been continuously updated via 10 editions in the past 5 years. Understandable & comprehensiveDiagrams, text and cartoons are combined to describe in a reader-friendly format the roles and powers of the Prime Minister, Cabinet, MPs, Parliamentary committees, the PMO and other central agencies, departments, the media, and other stakeholders. We follow the process from the origins of the Government's agenda to Cabinet decisions, funding battles with central agencies, & implementation by departments. Suggestions are provided on how to access and influence policy making at each stage. Strategic ChartsThe Guide now contains charts describing
A credible sourceThe credibility of this publication is indicated by its regular use for policy training by: federal departments and training agencies; the Teachers Institute of Parliament; EMBA and other university programs; business, voluntary and aboriginal organizations; individuals competing for positions in the public service; lobbyists, briefing new MPs on how government works; and civic minded folks. Price List & How to OrderFirst copy of an order: $50 plus GST For example, the cost for an order of 3 copies is: • Shipping included. Please provide postal address. Please address orders and questions (preferably by email) to Glen Milne |
© 2009 Glen Milne | T: 613.562.4333 | |